ikkööhäïk – I’m ok

21 sep - 23 sep 2018

The Finnish artists, Maarit Mustonen and Anne Naukkarinen, do not speak Danish – they approach it through its texture, sound, rhythm, and interpretations.

The Finnish artists, Maarit Mustonen and Anne Naukkarinen, do not speak Danish – they approach it through its texture, sound, rhythm, and interpretations.


“ikkööhäik – I’m ok” is a site-specific project with a starting point in the local language. The Finnish artists, Maarit Mustonen and Anne Naukkarinen, do not speak Danish – they approach it through its texture, sound, rhythm, and interpretations.

The performance includes among other pieces a contribution from audiologist and will last approximately 90 minutes.


Fredag 21.9. kl. 19

Lørdag 22.9. kl. 15

Søndag 23.9. kl. 15

NB: Begrænset plads!

Skriv til forlagetgestus@gmail.com hvis du ønsker at komme til en af dagene.

Kuratorer/udstillingskoncept: Forlaget Gestus ved Karin Hald og Kirke Meng

Kunstnere: Maarit Mustonen & Anne Naukkarinen

Forlaget Gestus ved Karin Hald og Kirke MengHusumgade 41, st. th