Camilla Reyman: Entering into Relation with an Object: An Intimate Connection Vol. 2

8 apr - 27 apr 2017

One morning in 1999 I woke up as something other than myself. I woke up as an object. What ’I’ (there was really no ’I’) was experiencing was not a state of mind, but a state of matter: there was no mind, no subject, no time and no space; there was no ground, no above, no horizon. All there was, was a greyish mist surrounding everything. There was no perception of time, this moment had been going for an eternity and would keep going for an eternity, but in our human real-time it probably just lasted a split second.


One morning in 1999 I woke up as something other than myself. I woke up as an object. What ’I’ (there was really no ’I’) was experiencing was not a state of mind, but a state of matter: there was no mind, no subject, no time and no space; there was no ground, no above, no horizon. All there was, was a greyish mist surrounding everything. There was no perception of time, this moment had been going for an eternity and would keep going for an eternity, but in our human real-time it probably just lasted a split second.


Camilla Reyman: Entering into Relation with an Object: An Intimate Connection Vol. 28 apr - 27 apr 2017

An Intimate Connection takes its departure from this 1999 moment, where Camilla Reyman entered an altered state of being, the being of an object; that of a car. Entering Into Relation With an Object is an ongoing exploration evolving from a shared curiosity toward objects: their proliferation, status and possible lives. Through a series of performative events and exhibitions centered on the perceptual worlds of non-human beings, objects and machines, the project aims to find a sustainable critical stance towards the objects that surround us.

Camilla Reyman: Still fra 3D animation. Entering Into Relation With An Object: An Intimate Connection Vol. 2. Aktuel udstilling på C4 projects

Entering Into Relation With an Object: An Intimate Connection is the first iteration of the series in exhibition form and presents a solo show by Camilla Reyman and a participatory reading of excerpts from Jane Bennet’s Vibrant Matter hosted by Rosemary Lee and Miriam Wistreich. The exploration connects to Camilla Reyman’s exploration of matter in the exhibition PAN at Galleri Jacob Bjørn in Aarhus.

Kilde: C4 Projects

c4 projectsDybbølsgade 60
1721 Kbh V

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