Gruppeudstilling – SKETCHES

18 apr - 18 maj 2024

Gain insight into the artist’s process and get the chance to acquire original sketches by artists from Martin Asbæk Gallery as well as from artists, who have previously exhibited in the project space Arden Asbæk Gallery.

Ania Pieranska

Gain insight into the artist’s process and get the chance to acquire original sketches by artists from Martin Asbæk Gallery as well as from artists, who have previously exhibited in the project space Arden Asbæk Gallery.

From rough freehand drawings to preliminary studies of largescale works, the exhibition offers insight into the unedited studio of the artist. Often a both hybrid working space as well as a creative sanctuary, the artist studio holds an almost mythological position as a romanticized space, where masterpieces are born. And while galleries normally showcase the finalized, polished work, this group show presents a more spontaneous, everyday-like approach to the work, bringing us closer to the artists and the multitude of ways to work with sketches.
SKETCHES opens on April 18. Arden Asbæk Gallery is open Tuesday-Friday 11-18 and Saturday 11-16.
Join us on May 1 for a midissage, when we invite artists, friends, and visitors to join us for a glass of wine.
SKETCHES features sketches by Ania Pieranska, Caroline H. Thon, Ditte Johanne Krogh Bertelsen, Ditte Ejlerskov, Ebbe Stub Wittrup, Elina Brotherus, Eva Koch, Hans Hamid Rasmussen, Jacob Stangerup, Jesper Carlsen, Kasper Eistrup, Lisa Strömbeck, Maria Rubinke, Martin Liebscher, Mille Kalsmose, Nicolai Howalt, Niels Bonde, Paul McDevitt, Simone Søndergaard Poulsen and Slater Bradley

Arden Asbæk GalleryBredgade 23, 1. sal, 1260 København K

Tirsdag-fredag kl. 11-18
Lørdag kl. 11-16

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