Love at Last Sight: Ana Pavlovic & Vladimir Tomic

18 nov - 3 dec 2017

Love at last sight is an exhibition by the Danish artists Ana Pavlovic and Vladimir Tomic. Using archival and first-hand research Pavloviç and Tomic collected from diaspora in Denmark and Sweden they are exploring the use of personal material and remembrance in order to create a tale of new understanding.


Love at last sight is an exhibition by the Danish artists Ana Pavlovic and Vladimir Tomic. Using archival and first-hand research Pavloviç and Tomic collected from diaspora in Denmark and Sweden they are exploring the use of personal material and remembrance in order to create a tale of new understanding.


Love at Last Sight: Ana Pavlovic & Vladimir Tomic18 nov - 3 dec 2017

Love at last sight is an exhibition by the Danish artists Ana Pavlovic and Vladimir Tomic.

What is the life of the body once it is disconnected and displaced from everything the mind knew to be normal? How does one, coming to another country and starting from scratch, negotiate a new persona in a new country and language, once the innocence of assuming that the life one thought one knew as real and permanent disintegrates?

Using archival and first-hand research Pavloviç and Tomic collected from diaspora in Denmark and Sweden they are exploring the use of personal material and remembrance in order to create a tale of new understanding.


Accounts of displacement as a result of migration are seen as a physical manifestation with inner outcomes of anxiety and hope, invoking notions of success and failure, and bringing about the experience of prejudice and stigma.

Trough migrants stories, we trace the processes which have shaped their strategies and their selves, their understandings of the past, and aspirations for the future, such that their narratives become a document of the contemporary experience of migration.

Exploration of memory that demonstrates itself through art, is not with the intention of merely re-experience that which is remembered or that which our culture recollects, but rather, referring to the social framework within which the memory is re-played, to evoke the past in a new context and perhaps provoke its reconsideration.

Special event
Screening of the prize winning film Flotel Europa by Vladimir Tomic (introduced by the artist). Wednesday, November 29, 19.00, Inter Arts Center, Black Room.

Kilde: Inter Arts Center

Inter Arts CenterBergsgatan 29
SE-21422 Malmö

Tor-søn 13-17