Luna Lopez: Growing Silence

19 okt - 2 dec 2023

Betalt indhold Pressemeddelelse: Oblong is excited to present Growing Silence, a new exhibition by artist Luna Lopez. The exhibition presents a series of new black and white darkroom works and marks Lopez’s first solo show in Denmark. Growing Silence continues Lopez’s exploration of the human psyche. Her subjects surrender to the camera, exposing their vulnerability […]

Luna Lopez: The Practitioner. Kunstneren er aktuel på udstillingsstedet Oblong.

Betalt indhold Pressemeddelelse: Oblong is excited to present Growing Silence, a new exhibition by artist Luna Lopez. The exhibition presents a series of new black and white darkroom works and marks Lopez’s first solo show in Denmark. Growing Silence continues Lopez’s exploration of the human psyche. Her subjects surrender to the camera, exposing their vulnerability […]


Luna Lopez: Growing Silence19 okt - 2 dec 2023

Luna Lopez, The Practitioner (2023)

Betalt indhold


Oblong is excited to present Growing Silence, a new exhibition by artist Luna Lopez. The exhibition presents a series of new black and white darkroom works and marks Lopez’s first solo show in Denmark.

Growing Silence continues Lopez’s exploration of the human psyche. Her subjects surrender to the camera, exposing their vulnerability while retaining their strength, power and individualism.

Lopez’s photographs render an interplay between alienation and connection, introspection and self-expression. Beneath an ostensibly calm exterior, lurks something more brooding. Hints of violence, tenderness and a latent eroticism mark the work. The images are littered with motifs and apparent clues – car tyres, ventilation pipes, surgical gloves, a forest, a leaf. Lopez invites us to decode, decipher and derive meaning.

Lopez’s mastery of her analogue craft and the darkroom process is evident in the quality of her prints. But she is also a master of control, placement and contrast. The rendering of people and objects in minimalist environments suggests a deep significance to everything shown. Nothing
appears for no reason, nothing is left to chance.

Lopez toys with subtlety and texture while at the same time pointedly drawing attention to key objects and the specifics of expression and body language. The work is deeply psychological in tone and appears to represent the inner-workings of a mental state. Whether that is Lopez’s own, or that of her subjects is unclear. Whoever’s it is, there is a quiet power and a space in which to contemplate.

Luna Lopez (b. 1996) is a Danish-born artist, currently living in Gothenburg, Sweden. Lopez completed her BFA in photography at the University of Gothenburg in 2021 and graduated from Fatamorgana, the Danish School of Art Photography in 2015. Her work has been shown at Göteborgs Konsthall, Gothenburg (2023), Oslo Negativ, Oslo (2023), Galleri Thomassen, Gothenburg (2023), Galleri Cora Hillebrand, Gothenburg (2022) Steinsland Berliner, Stockholm (2022), MELK Gallery, Oslo (2022) Röda Sten Konsthall, Gothenburg (2021), The Print Space, London (2019), Copenhagen Photo Festival, Copenhagen (2018)

Dette indhold er produceret i samarbejde med et udstillingssted som en del af udstillingstedets Artguide-abonnement hos
Kunsten.nus uafhængige redaktion har intet at gøre med indholdet.

OblongMaglekildevej 18 kld tv, 1853 Frederiksberg

Mandag: Lukket
Tirsdag: Lukket
Onsdag: 16:00 - 19:00
Torsdag: 13:00 - 17:00
Fredag: 13:00 - 17:00
Lørdag: 13:00 - 17:00
Søndag: Lukket

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