Mads Bryld: Catching Currents, Chasing Ducks,

20 jun - 4 jul 2024

Familiar landscapes and sceneries, you do not know geographically, but recognize intuitively

Installationsview Mads Bryld. Foto: Jan Søndergaard

Familiar landscapes and sceneries, you do not know geographically, but recognize intuitively


Mads Bryld: Catching Currents, Chasing Ducks,20 jun - 4 jul 2024

Shimmering between figuration and abstraction. Dancing light on volatile liquid surfaces. In constant transition. Squint your eyes and a new image will appear. Squint again and it will disappear. Mads Bryld’s oil paintings are in flux. Changing with you.
Familiar landscapes and sceneries, you do not know geographically, but recognize intuitively. Even distorted in crop and scale these paintings appear uncanny. A reflection of past, present and future. Nature reminding us of our shared origins and entangled coexistence.
Mads Bryld creates fluid compositions. In his paintings nature is not fetishized or romanticized. It is a continuous cycle of life, death and rebirth, inherently dynamic, an event that never stops. In this sense Bryld’s paintings mirror the human condition. Squint your eyes and object and subject become one. The new paintings are subtle meditations on transformation. Vibrating and coruscating.
Mads Bryld, born 1991, lives and works in Copenhagen, Denmark. Recent exhibitions include: Onions, group exhibition, OUTPOST, Copenhagen, Denmark 2023; Bokbar, Paris, France 2023; Psyche, Copenhagen, Denmark, 2022, and A Mon Avis Vol.IIII, group exhibition, A Mon Avis, Copenhagen, Denmark, 2022. Catching Currents, Chasing Ducks is Mads Bryld’s first exhibition with V1 SALON.
V1 Salon

V1 SalonFlæsketorvet 69
1711 København V

Wednesday-Friday: 12-17
Saturday: 11-15

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