Sara Arenfeldt: The Unfocused

16 okt - 20 okt 2016

Sara Arenfeldt is working with the medium of light within the fields of installation, scenography, light design and performance.


Sara Arenfeldt is working with the medium of light within the fields of installation, scenography, light design and performance.


Sara Arenfeldt: The Unfocused16 okt - 20 okt 2016

An exhibition by Sara Arenfeldt
Open 16/10, 18/10, 19/10, 20/10 from 10-17
Finissage and performance 20/10 from 17-21

Staring at a flame, glancing at a screen, seeing a light bulb.

Different lighting objects are installed in a series of settings.

Sara Arenfeldt is working with the medium of light within the fields of installation, scenography, light design and performance.


The exhibition will be held at FAA Projectroom and around the hallway on the 4th floor of Brandts Klædefabrik.

See performance description here

Kilde: FAA Project Room

FAA Project RoomDet Fynske Kunstakademi
Brandts Torv 1, 4. sal.
5100 Odense C

Man-søn 10-17
Tors 12-21

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