A mobile museum, art on wheels or art's answer to Netflix?
What is Kunst På Arbejde (KPA) really? Come and hear about how to share art, creative communities and new ways of encountering art – namely at work in your everyday life.
Together with our neighbors in Sølvgade - we are holding an open house where you can meet galleries such as Rune Fjord Studio, Cathrine Raben Davidsen Studio, Le Petit Voyeur and Danske Grafikeres Hus. Kunst På Arbejde shows the newest works in the collection by young contemporary artists and more established artists.
Kunst På Arbejde
Kunst På Arbejde
KPA was founded in 1954 and is a non-profit association which brings art to workplaces all over the country with the aim of creating space for creativity, well-being and innovation. We believe in the importance of art in our society and work to make art accessible and relevant to the general population.
Source: Kunst På Arbejde