Opening: Maya Schønning Kjærulff og Christine Clemmesen: Hidden in Plain Sight

Friday 24 May 2024 at 16 - 19

Opening of the duo exhibition Hidden in Plain Sight

Maya Schønning Kjærulff, Nærbillede.

Opening of the duo exhibition Hidden in Plain Sight


Opening: Maya Schønning Kjærulff og Christine Clemmesen: Hidden in Plain SightFriday 24 May 2024 at 16- 19
Can be experienced without language skills

Arden Asbæk Gallery is proud to present the duo exhibition Hidden in Plain Sight, featuring Danish photo-based artists Christine Clemmesen and Maya Schønning Kjærulff.
Both artists are graduates from Glasgow School of Art, respectively from 2002 and 2024, and both work within an expanded field of photography, combining it with mediums such as textile, text, marble, and glass, among others. Their process of image-making means that the works in many ways seem closer to being objects than images, while also being inherently current.


Christine Clemmesen is a graduate from The Slade School of Fine Art in London and Glasgow School of Art. She has previously exhibited at Rønnebæksholm (2022), Vandrehallen (2021), Gæsteværelset hos Tone Bonnén (2021) and Fotografisk Center (2020). I 2022 she was nominated for the international prize FOAM Paul Huf Award.

Maya Schønning Kjærulff is a Danish visual artist, currently finishing her bachelor’s degree at Glasgow School of Art. In her artistic practice, she explores the relationship between text and textile, pictorial memory, and translations between media, from the abstract to the physical.

Source: Arden Asbæk Gallery

Arden Asbæk Gallery

Arden Asbæk GalleryBredgade 23, 1. sal, 1260 København K

Opening hours
Tuesday-Friday 11-18
Saturday 11-16

Entry price

Level-free access - no
Handicap toilet - no
Free for companion - yes