Press The Sausage

Friday 31 May 2024 at 13 - 15.30

Hundred meter sausage as a conversation piece – minced landscape and kitchen waste in sausage casing on glass.

Conversation piece from event at Madens Folkemøde – Tryk på pølsen. Photo: Rune Fjord

Hundred meter sausage as a conversation piece – minced landscape and kitchen waste in sausage casing on glass.


Press The SausageFriday 31 May 2024 at 13- 15.30
Can be experienced without language skills/
The event is in Danish

Hundred meter sausage as a conversation piece - minced landscape and kitchen waste in sausage casing on glass.
As part of the Art Matter FESTIVAL, visual artist Rune Fjord presents the project 'Press the Sausage' together with 6th grade students from Dyssegårdsskolen.
Together with students from the school, the artist transforms plant materials from the schoolyard as well as surplus materials from local kitchen waste into sausages in a variety of sizes, shapes, and colors. At the exhibition, visitors can try twisting a sausage themselves.
With the sausage laboratory, the focus is on presence and immersion, where the creative and aesthetic are in focus. In a digital age where children and young people experience the world mediated through social media and often engage in electronic communities, physical presence has slipped into the background. With the sausage as the focal point, the project provides opportunities for both sensory experiences and dialogue with a humorous twist on serious topics such as the state of the earth, by-products from our food production, and the sustainability of the food culture in which we participate.
Press the Sausage is supported by the Danish Arts Foundation's house artist scheme.
Art Matter X Dyssegaarden Skole

DyssegårdsskolenNaturfagshuset, Dyssegårdsskolen, Dyssegårdsvej 26, 2900 Hellerup