Kunst af musikere og musik af kunstnere

23. marts 2014

David Risley Gallery viser udstillingen This is our Art This is our Music. Samtidig lancerer galleriet en ny pladebutik: The Gutter.

View fra udstillingen This is our Art This is our Music - An exhibition of Art by Musicians and Music by Artists, David Risley Gallery 2014. Foto: Erling Jeppesen

David Risley Gallery viser udstillingen This is our Art This is our Music. Samtidig lancerer galleriet en ny pladebutik: The Gutter.

23. marts 2014

David Risley Gallery har gennemtrawlet de nationale og internationale farvande mellem den visuelle kunst og musikken, og udstiller nu over 100 visuelle værker af kunstnere, der ellers hovedsageligt er kendt for deres musik.
Blandt mange andre finder man Franz Beckerlee (Gasolin), Troels Trier, Knud Odde (Sort Sol) og Kasper Eistrup (Kashmir) fra den danske musikscene samt Alan Vega (Suicide), Lydia Lunch, Karl Hyde (Orbital) og James Cauty (KLF) fra den internationale scene.
Kunst til væggen, men m.m.
Samtidigt med åbningen af This is our Art This is our Music - An exhibition of Art by Musicians and Music by Artists har galleriet lanceret sin nye pladebutik The Gutter, der sælger musik af kunstnere som: Are Mokkelbost, Billy Childish, Black Dice, De Tödliche Doris, James Beckett, John Cage, Joseph Beuys, Lucky Dragons, Martin Creed, Meredith Monk, Nam June Paik, Patti Smith, Poul Gernes, Sonic Youth, Underworld, White Columns, Willis Earl Beal, Wolf Eyes, Yoko Ono, Zven Balslev, m.fl.
The Gutter vil forblive åben efter at udstillingen slutter den 5. april.
Venstre væg: Exene. Vægtekst, Martin Creed. Central væg: Miss Pokeno, Lizzi Bougatsos, Ara Petersen, Susan Stenger. Højre væg: Guy Blakeslee. Grafitti, Jim Drain. Foto: Erling Jeppesen
Venstre væg: Exene. Vægtekst, Martin Creed. Central væg: Miss Pokeno, Lizzi Bougatsos, Ara Petersen, Susan Stenger. Højre væg: Guy Blakeslee. Grafitti, Jim Drain. Foto: Erling Jeppesen
Lizzi Bougatsos. På <i>This is our Art This is our Music - An exhibition of Art by Musicians and Music by Artists</i>, David Risley Gallery 2014. Foto: David Risley Gallery
Lizzi Bougatsos. På This is our Art This is our Music - An exhibition of Art by Musicians and Music by Artists, David Risley Gallery 2014. Foto: David Risley Gallery
View fra <i>This is our Art This is our Music - An exhibition of Art by Musicians and Music by Artists</i>, David Risley Gallery 2014. Foto: Erling Jeppesen
View fra This is our Art This is our Music - An exhibition of Art by Musicians and Music by Artists, David Risley Gallery 2014. Foto: Erling Jeppesen
Rødt værk: <i>Big Bottom</i> (foto: Mancia/Bodmer, FBM studio). Herover: Alan Vega, Daniel Johnston, Brian DeGraw. Venstre for: Bjorn Copeland, Zven Balslev, Jad Fair, Vaginal Davis. Vægtekst, Martin Creed. Graffiti, Jim Drain. Foto: Erling Jeppesen
Rødt værk: Big Bottom (foto: Mancia/Bodmer, FBM studio). Herover: Alan Vega, Daniel Johnston, Brian DeGraw. Venstre for: Bjorn Copeland, Zven Balslev, Jad Fair, Vaginal Davis. Vægtekst, Martin Creed. Graffiti, Jim Drain. Foto: Erling Jeppesen
<i>Big Bottom</i> (foto: Mancia/Bodmer, FBM studio). Herover: Alan Vega, Daniel Johnston, Brian DeGraw. Vægtekst, Martin Creed. Graffiti, Jim Drain. Foto: Erling Jeppesen
Big Bottom (foto: Mancia/Bodmer, FBM studio). Herover: Alan Vega, Daniel Johnston, Brian DeGraw. Vægtekst, Martin Creed. Graffiti, Jim Drain. Foto: Erling Jeppesen
Bjorn Copeland, Zven Balslev, 3 x Jad Fair, 3 x Vaginal Davis. Vægtekst, Martin Creed. Graffiti, Jim Drain. Foto: Erling Jeppesen
Bjorn Copeland, Zven Balslev, 3 x Jad Fair, 3 x Vaginal Davis. Vægtekst, Martin Creed. Graffiti, Jim Drain. Foto: Erling Jeppesen
T.S Høegh, Daniel Johnston, Geraldine Swayne, Daniel Johnston, Alan Vega, Lydia Lunch, Nis Bysted, Lydia Lunch, David Byrne. T-shirts, Ross Sinclair. Grafitti, Jim Drain. Foto: Erling Jeppesen
T.S Høegh, Daniel Johnston, Geraldine Swayne, Daniel Johnston, Alan Vega, Lydia Lunch, Nis Bysted, Lydia Lunch, David Byrne. T-shirts, Ross Sinclair. Grafitti, Jim Drain. Foto: Erling Jeppesen
Daniel Johnston. På <i>This is our Art This is our Music - An exhibition of Art by Musicians and Music by Artists</i>, David Risley Gallery 2014. Foto: David Risley Gallery
Daniel Johnston. På This is our Art This is our Music - An exhibition of Art by Musicians and Music by Artists, David Risley Gallery 2014. Foto: David Risley Gallery
T-Shirts, Ross Sinclair. Herefter: Guy Blakeslee, T.S Høegh, Nis Bysted, Franz Beckerlee, Ian Dury, Tobias R Kirstein, Zven Balslev. Grafitti, Jim Drain. Foto: Erling Jeppesen
T-Shirts, Ross Sinclair. Herefter: Guy Blakeslee, T.S Høegh, Nis Bysted, Franz Beckerlee, Ian Dury, Tobias R Kirstein, Zven Balslev. Grafitti, Jim Drain. Foto: Erling Jeppesen
Franz Beckerlee. På <i>This is our Art This is our Music - An exhibition of Art by Musicians and Music by Artists</i>, David Risley Gallery 2014. Foto: David Risley Gallery
Franz Beckerlee. På This is our Art This is our Music - An exhibition of Art by Musicians and Music by Artists, David Risley Gallery 2014. Foto: David Risley Gallery
Ian Dury. På <i>This is our Art This is our Music - An exhibition of Art by Musicians and Music by Artists</i>, David Risley Gallery 2014. Foto: David Risley Gallery
Ian Dury. På This is our Art This is our Music - An exhibition of Art by Musicians and Music by Artists, David Risley Gallery 2014. Foto: David Risley Gallery
Øverste række: Lasse Hoile. Herefter: Loke Rahbek, Mick Barr, Are Mokkelbost, Don Van Vliet/Captain Beefheart. Grafitti, Jim Drain. Foto: Erling Jeppesen
Øverste række: Lasse Hoile. Herefter: Loke Rahbek, Mick Barr, Are Mokkelbost, Don Van Vliet/Captain Beefheart. Grafitti, Jim Drain. Foto: Erling Jeppesen
Are Mokkelbost. På <i>This is our Art This is our Music - An exhibition of Art by Musicians and Music by Artists</i>, David Risley Gallery 2014. Foto: David Risley Gallery
Are Mokkelbost. På This is our Art This is our Music - An exhibition of Art by Musicians and Music by Artists, David Risley Gallery 2014. Foto: David Risley Gallery
Tommy Grace. Øverste ramme, Exene. Nederste ramme, Peter Peter. Figur, Alan Vega. Foto: Erling Jeppesen
Tommy Grace. Øverste ramme, Exene. Nederste ramme, Peter Peter. Figur, Alan Vega. Foto: Erling Jeppesen
Exene. På <i>This is our Art This is our Music - An exhibition of Art by Musicians and Music by Artists</i>, David Risley Gallery 2014. Foto: David Risley Gallery
Exene. På This is our Art This is our Music - An exhibition of Art by Musicians and Music by Artists, David Risley Gallery 2014. Foto: David Risley Gallery
Fra højre: Richard Fearless, Billy Childish, Geraldine Swayne, Troels Trier, Exene, Karl Hyde. I forgrunden: Franz Beckerlee. Grafitti, Jim Drain. Foto: Erling Jeppesen
Fra højre: Richard Fearless, Billy Childish, Geraldine Swayne, Troels Trier, Exene, Karl Hyde. I forgrunden: Franz Beckerlee. Grafitti, Jim Drain. Foto: Erling Jeppesen
Franz Beckerlee. På <i>This is our Art This is our Music - An exhibition of Art by Musicians and Music by Artists</i>, David Risley Gallery 2014. Foto: David Risley Gallery
Franz Beckerlee. På This is our Art This is our Music - An exhibition of Art by Musicians and Music by Artists, David Risley Gallery 2014. Foto: David Risley Gallery
David Byrne, Geraldine Swayne, Kasper Eistrup. Grafitti, Jim Drain. Foto: Erling Jeppesen
David Byrne, Geraldine Swayne, Kasper Eistrup. Grafitti, Jim Drain. Foto: Erling Jeppesen
Snup en kop kaffe i <i>The Gutter - Record store for music and ephemera by artists</i>. David Risley Gallery, 2014. Foto: Erling Jeppesen
Snup en kop kaffe i The Gutter - Record store for music and ephemera by artists. David Risley Gallery, 2014. Foto: Erling Jeppesen
View fra <i>The Gutter - Record store for music and ephemera by artists</i>. David Risley Gallery, 2014. Foto: Erling Jeppesen
View fra The Gutter - Record store for music and ephemera by artists. David Risley Gallery, 2014. Foto: Erling Jeppesen
View fra <i>The Gutter - Record store for music and ephemera by artists</i>. David Risley Gallery, 2014. Foto: Erling Jeppesen
View fra The Gutter - Record store for music and ephemera by artists. David Risley Gallery, 2014. Foto: Erling Jeppesen
Graham Dolphin. På <i>This is our Art This is our Music - An exhibition of Art by Musicians and Music by Artists</i>, David Risley Gallery 2014. Foto: David Risley Gallery
Graham Dolphin. På This is our Art This is our Music - An exhibition of Art by Musicians and Music by Artists, David Risley Gallery 2014. Foto: David Risley Gallery
View fra <i>The Gutter - Record store for music and ephemera by artists</i>. David Risley Gallery, 2014. Foto: Erling Jeppesen
View fra The Gutter - Record store for music and ephemera by artists. David Risley Gallery, 2014. Foto: Erling Jeppesen
View fra <i>The Gutter - Record store for music and ephemera by artists</i>. David Risley Gallery, 2014. Foto: Erling Jeppesen
View fra The Gutter - Record store for music and ephemera by artists. David Risley Gallery, 2014. Foto: Erling Jeppesen